We are Canada's national association of Christian lawyers and law students.
As Christian legal professionals, we are heirs to a tradition of legal thought that bears on many of the most pressing questions facing our culture and profession. We also understand that the practice of law is a vocation: a calling from God. We believe it is our responsibility to work with others to pursue what justice requires in a free and democratic society.
Learn more about
the Forgotten Fundamental Freedoms
This new video series, co-presented by The Forgotten Freedoms Project and Christian Legal Fellowship, explores fundamental freedoms which have been largely overlooked in Canada. Watch Episodes 1 to 4 here.
Learn more about
CLF’s Student Ministries
The mission for CLF's Law Student Ministries is to support Christian students seeking to fulfill the calling of Micah 6:8 to "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God".